Helping your best self shine through

Everyone is a Work in Progress:

Connect to your Power, Passion & Purpose.

My purpose is to help you get to where you want to be in your life quicker and more effectively than if you were working alone. When you engage me as a coach, we will work together to chart an achievable course toward self-empowerment.



If you’re seeking a deeper understanding of self and situation, hoping to gain the tools and knowledge that will enable you to achieve harmony in your life, all with the guarantee of complete confidentiality, then congratulations: You’re in exactly the right place.

I have found my calling in helping others achieve the personal clarity and congruence they seek by bringing alignment to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life using professional methods tailored to each individual client.

Whichever approach we decide to take together, my constant goal is to guide you to discover (even rediscover) and connect with the best facets inherent in yourself. The fact that you’re reading this now indicates that you might be ready to take the first step on that journey, so don’t turn back now!

Tereza Groth-Andersen portrait

My Own Journey

Personally, I’ve always held a keen interest in the drivers behind human behaviour but didn’t pursue that route early on when deciding on a career path as a young adult. Instead, I allowed other “more practical / safer” choices that were within my comfort zone to overshadow and delay my course toward what I would much later recognise as my true calling.


Heeding The Call of The Empath

As a highly empathic person, my natural awareness of other people’s emotions and pain created in me a sense of obligation to make things better for others by using this ability wisely. After more than a decade’s worth of small steps in this general direction, I finally took the leap! I enrolled in and completed specialised training to become a life coach and counsellor.



Even though it took several years, and multiple course corrections, sometimes you have to try something before you can recognise that it isn’t right for you in the long run. Learning that the first road taken isn’t necessarily the one you’re meant to be on is an experience that has served me well ever since.

The key decision to embrace my true self was the turning point that ultimately enabled me to break free of false truths, challenge past misconceptions, and put my natural talents and abilities to use in a deeply fulfilling way, by empowering my clients to find greater peace of mind and harmony in their own lives.

To this day I am continually expanding in the realms of psychology, life coaching and therapy, seeking to broaden my knowledge and skill set in order to better serve this purpose.


My Qualifications

My formal CV is available upon request, but below you will find a brief and relevant overview: 

  • Counselling Skills

    Life Coach LCH Dip Level 7

  • CPD’s (Continuing Professional Development Courses) completed in multiple categories within the field of counselling and coaching, including:

    Bereavement & Loss

    Trauma (Neuroscience & Coping Strategies)

    Motivational Life Coaching

    Advanced Coaching Techniques

    Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics

    Family Dynamics
    (Pathology & Boundary Setting)

    Managing Anxiety & Depression

    Emotional Intelligence

  • 10 years professional experience in Human resource management.


I’m the coach at your shoulder gently, securely and confidently guiding you through the tough decisions whatever they may be. Make the choice to invest in yourself now so you can live an empowered life that serves you well.